Bunny and chick colouring sheet
by Marian
posted on April 12, 2020 in Colouring Sheets
Kids are funny little creatures who like to run around and do stuff and discover the world. Caboodles are bunches, groups, lots, or crowds. Our plan is to have caboodles of fun activities for kids to do — on their own or in caboodles. So come and join us!
by Marian
posted on April 12, 2020 in Colouring Sheets
by Marian
posted on July 30, 2018 in Colouring Sheets
by Marian
posted on July 29, 2018 in Interactive Apps, Math
Here’s a visual, interactive way to practice multiplication and division. When you get to the screen that has the number table, you can’t type in your answer, you have to click the number on the screen’s number pad (for Multiply or Divide exercises) or click the correct box in the table (for Factor exercises).
by Marian
posted on January 25, 2015 in Puzzle Games, Sudoku
Sudoku looks like a math game, but it’s not really about numbers at all — no adding, subtracting, multiplication or division. What it’s really about is patterns and logic. That’s kind of math — but it’s not arithmetic. So there’s really no need to have numbers in the puzzle. You can just as easily have […]
by Marian
posted on June 3, 2011 in Standikins
What’s flat and adventurous and travels the world by mail? What about Flat Stanley? He’s from a children’s book by Jeff Brown, about a boy who gets flattened by a bulletin board that falls on him. When he wants to visit friends far away, his parents just send him in an envelope! The Flat Stanley […]